Following the new advice published on 18th May from Public Health England and Health Protection Scotland, please be advised that you should not enter any of our sites if you have the following symptoms:
- a new continuous cough
- a fever or high temperature (of 37.8 degrees centigrade or higher)
- a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia).
The guidance advises you to stay at home (self-isolate), regardless of travel history or contact with confirmed cases, if you have the above symptoms.
Public Health England government guidance can be found here.
Health Protection Scotland government guidance can be found here.
Safety in the Gym
We’ve improved our cleaning and safety standards and can’t wait to welcome you back to CBA.
Croydon Boxing Academy will be deep cleaned overnight and regularly through the day, using high-grade disinfectants that will kill the virus.
COVID 19 is easily killed with most readily available domestic cleaning products and handwashing with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. In conjunction with safe distancing and regular hand sanitization, we aim to keep a safe environment for our members.
We ask you to clean your equipment before and after use, for added peace of mind and consideration for other members. Cleaning stations are located in all key areas of the gym to make it as easy as possible.
Hand sanitizer will be available in key areas around the gym including the front desk before entry and around the equipment and ring space, so it’s easy to regularly clean your hands during your visit.
We ask that you also sanitise or wash your hands before entering the gym to keep yourself and others safe.
Those paying per session please make contactless payments where possible to reduce the risk of transfer via money and coins.
Take home message…
Before you arrive at CBA:
- Book a timeslot
- Arrive on time. If you arrive early, you’ll need to queue outside and if you arrive late, you won’t be allowed access to the gym
- Be changed into your activity clothes to changing rooms.
- Bring your own water bottle, towel and hand sanitizer, if possible
- Exercise mats for classes such as yoga will be provided but please ensure you clean them before and after use with the sanitizer and paper towel provided. You can also bring your own mat with you.
Firstly staying home if you have any concerning symptoms at all is of the upmost importance or if you think you have had any contact with someone infected with Covid-19.
Whilst in the gym ensuring you following our simple guidance, washing/sanitizing your hands before entry, keeping your distance, cleaning kit before and after use, not sharing equipment i.e. gloves, head guards and regularly cleaning your hands whilst in the gym. If coughing or sneezing, do so into the inside of your elbow to catch droplets.
Yes. Personal training/one to one sessions will continue to take place with the appropriate social distancing measures being taken into consideration and cleaning of equipment as described above.
Changing rooms are still available, however we advise members to come dressed on arrival, as use of changing facilities will be limited to prevent the risk of contamination of surfaces.
Clothes are not regarded as a high-risk source of infection, and regular washing at 60 degrees Celsius is thought to be enough to kill the virus. Changing your clothes after sessions once home is advisable.
Yes. There will no longer be ‘spare’ gloves or head guards for members to use whilst in the premises due to the risk of Covid-19 remaining on surfaces and materials. Please be advised that you must bring your own gloves and hand wraps. If you do not manage to do so before arrival, you can purchase this equipment on site.
No. Gloves should be reserved for hospital settings or when undertaking certain tasks but not otherwise, as they harbour high levels of the virus which can contaminate other surfaces. It also gives you a false sense of security preventing you from regular hand washing/sanitization and touching of your face and other surfaces.
Various studies have shown that Covid-19 is not transmitted via sweat, however be mindful in wiping sweat from your face with your hands, as this puts you at risk of transmitting the virus from your hands to your face.
Washing your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water or using hand sanitizer is key in preventing this.
In order to maintain a safe environment for our members, we have reduced the numbers allowed in classes at one time; therefore, to allow maximum ability for social distancing, if you are not participating in the session we request that you stay outside of the gym. However, if you are attending as a parent at the Cubs Class, we understand some children may be nervous without their parent or need the toilet facilities. Therefore, we will provide an exemption for that age group.
Face masks help prevent the droplet spread of an infected person to another, and does have its place in other public settings in line with government guidance. However, we recognise whilst physically exerting yourself this may be compromising, and in fact keeping a safe distance in the gym from other members, adequate hand washing and sanitisation are all likely to be of more significance. We are not enforcing that our members require face masks during sessions, however please feel free to do so if that would make you feel more comfortable.
Yes. Restricting numbers in the classes is an additional measure to reduce your risk of contracting Covid-19, and ensure you socially distance adequately. All sessions will need to be booked prior to attending to ensure a place in the class, if you turn up as a walk in on the day you risk being turned away due to the class being at capacity.
There have been changes made to the timetable in order to accommodate adequate staggering between classes in order to keep you safe. Take a look at the timetable link to check out the changes.
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Croydon boxing Academy initiatives in light of Covid-19
Prevent people ‘carrying’ the infection into or around the gym
- Require use of hand washing and/or hand sanitisation at point of entry.
- Provide hand washing and/or hand sanitisation all around the gym facility
- Limit the number of people within a facility to reduce ‘density risk’ of transmission
- Limit total attendees, and those within a given, with app booking rather than walk
- Maintain the 2 metre rule of separation to reduce the risk of viral transmission through the air
- Not admitting members and staff who show possible symptoms or live with someone who has require self-certification of well-being for staff and potentially members
Reduce the risk of viral transmission from surfaces
- Ensure regular cleaning and disinfection regimes
- Provide plentiful access to anti-viral wipes and sprays
- Enforce kit wipe down pre and post workout
- Undertake overnight deep cleans
- Ensure disposable gloves are worn for cleaning activities
- Minimise use of non-essential facilities, e.g. lockers, vending machines
Reduce the risk of transmission to ‘vulnerable’ staff or members
- Define ‘vulnerable’ people clearly and communicate directly where possible in accordance with PHE guidance
- Change roles for vulnerable staff out of the frontline
- Encourage members and staff to use trace and test apps and share data, for early warning
- Consider closing facility if local risk levels are in the ‘red zone’
- Be ready to close and deep clean when member or staff tests positive